Furrowfield School

Careers Programme

The aim of our careers provision here at Furrowfield School is consistent with our school, vision and values; Improving the life chances of our students and supporting achievement, personal development, social, emotional, mental health and wellbeing, ensuring students are empowered, thoughtful kind and successful citizens of the future.

Students at Furrowfield School receive careers advice and guidance from year 7 through to year 11. We discuss careers and pathways in tutor time, PSHRE and in assemblies, as well as in focused careers sessions.

Many of our students access vocational courses through outside agencies such as Wheels, Gateshead Local Offer and Birkheads Wild. These programmes support students in building key life skills in an area of vocational interest, as well as supporting them in their maths and English progression.

Throughout KS4, We encourage and support our students to access careers events and discuss realistic pathways for progression and reaching goals, working closely with our careers advisor, Mike Chastney, from Gateshead Local Authority.

Throughout year 11, students receive more intensive careers support including the attendance of an IAG at EHCP meetings to suggest pathways to success. Every student is offered a number of careers meetings with our visiting careers advisor, who will build a rapport with the students and work with them on planning their next steps. We are very proud to say that we consistently support 100% of our students to move on to either further study or employment post 16.

In the academic year 2021-22 we had 82% of year 11 moving on to further education at provisions such as Newcastle College, Gateshead College and Trinity Solutions, and 18% enrolled on Apprenticeship training. Of the cohort 27% had also secured part time employment alongside their studies. 

In the summer of 2022 100% of our students moved on to further education, apprenticeship or employment.

Our Careers leader is Miss Karen Beagarie:
0191 4954700

This information is reviewed annually, due September 2023.